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Admin Portal | Setup | Save for later

Set up the Save for later feature just the way you want it.



Enabling Neocom’s Save for Later feature allows your customers the option of saving the 3 most fitting product recommendations directly to their email inbox. While providing a useful service for your customers, it also gathers contact details and preferences for you and your team.

What customers will see as soon as results are displayed in the Advisor is a banner with 3 thumbnails of the top products, asking if the user would like to save this selection to their email. Clicking on the banner activates a Pop-up with the option of adding an email, as well as showing the text you can define. This popup will also be displayed when the mouse hovers away from the tab, or the tab is switched completely (desktop only). 

The following article will show you how to maximize the performance of the Save for Later feature, ensuring seamless integration, and appropriate text, as well as ensuring you have a fundamental understanding of the feature.


The article is divided into the following topics: 

Advisor Content


The content you choose to highlight Neocom’s Save for Later feature is completely customizable. By navigating to Setup | Save for later | Setup save for later you have the ability to adjust email subject and text, as well as add data privacy policies.




Aligning the language style of the email subject and body with the already visible style of your website will give the Save for Later feature a feeling of a simple extension of your Advisor, and more generally, of your online presence.



Within the Save for Later you also have the option of adding a Privacy Disclaimer or referring to an existing Privacy Disclaimer.



Email Settings

The default sender email address is mail@neocomapp.com. You can customize this sender address through this tab to align it with existing company emails. You can also add a name and a reply-to email address.


Sender Options

As soon as you have entered your personalized email address and pressed save, the verification process starts.



If this is the first time this email address has been used for a  Save for Later feature (maybe you have already activated Save for Later for other advisors), you will receive an email (please check your spam folder) with detailed instructions on how to adjust your DNS settings.

Once you have made these adjustments, complete the verification in the Admin Portal under Setup | Save for later via Validate Now. Please note that it may take a while until the DNS adjustments have been transferred. If this is the case, please complete the verification at a later time.



In summary, you will go through the following steps when entering your sender email:

  • Enter email address under Sender Email
  • Save
  • Verify email
    • Adjust DNS settings (details in email)
    • Finish with validate now under Setup | Save for later

Until verification is complete, the default address mail@neocomapp.com is used as the sender. Once your sender email address is verified, you can use it for other projects.


Double Opt-In

If you activate this function, the recipient e-mail address must be confirmed once before the Top 3 products can be sent. All of the content visible to visitors can be customized under Success Title and Success Content, which will be displayed after successful confirmation of the e-mail address.

The Double Opt-In confirmation is valid for 24 hours for users. If the Double Opt-In is not completed, their email will appear as @neocom.anonymized in the Neocom Admin.



Once you have activated the Save for later you can view all email addresses, including the corresponding product recommendations in the section Setup | Save for later. You can download all of the data that is key to informing successful marketing strategies for example.


Please note that any reference to privacy policies or legal matters in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice by Neo Commerce GmbH to you, the Neocom customer. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that all privacy policies and legal requirements are properly adhered to. Formulation examples for orientation can be found here.