Shopware 6 Plugin Integration

Integrate Neocom quickly and easily via our plugin.

The Shopware 6 plugin enables Neocom customers using Shopware version 6.5 and 6.6 to easily integrate the global embed code and Purchase Tracking into their shop.


STEP1: Request the download file of the latest Neocom Shopware 6 extension to stay informed about all updates and improvements. You need Shopware version 6.5 or 6.6.

STEP 2: Click on the "Upload Extension" button and select the .zip file of the Neocom extension.


STEP 3: The extension is now listed under "My extensions."

Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 10.16.49 (1)

STEP 4: In the app settings, customers can enter their Neocom customer ID (found in the Admin Portal | Settings | Neocom Account) and enable Purchase Tracking/cookie consent.
pluginSettings (1)

The integration is now complete.

💡 With the Shopware 6 integration, the Prompt Integration can already be used directly. Inline and JavaScript integrations will follow in future versions.